La métamorphose de cette petite fille prématurée semble irréelle 


    Le hashtag #TransformationTuesday, aux Etats-Unis implique généralement des clichés de « succès stories » impliquant une perte de poids conséquente. Or, pour la première fois, une jeune maman – Mary Parkinson – décide de recourir à ce hashtag pour immortaliser non pas une perte de poids mais plutôt un gain de poids.

    Il s’agit du gain de poids de sa petite fille – Grace – née à 23 semaines (soit moins de 6 mois de grossesse) !

    Lors de l’accouchement, Gracepesait 450 grammes ! 3 mois plus tard, Grace est toujours un minuscule bébé de 2,5 kg mais ses jours ne sont plus en danger.

    D’après les statistiques de l’Université américaine des gynécologues et obstétriciens, seulement 0,5% des enfants nés avant 6 mois survivent. Grace reste une véritable miraculée !

    Et c’est pour cette raison que sa maman a publié chacune des étapes du combat de son « ange ». Sur son compte Instagram, on peut voir le jour où Grace ouvre les yeux pour la première fois, où elle est tenue dans les bras de ses parents, où elle mange à l’aide d’une minuscule seringue de lait ! Un tumultueux voyage illustré en images.



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    We have started attempting feeding breast milk! She tolerated not having her drainage OG tube in so Grace was cleared for small amounts of breast milk. If all goes well we will be able to slowly increase the amount of milk and get her to full feedings. This will tell us if she has any blockage in her bowels, if she does we will need to begin talking about surgery. But right now we are hopeful! ❤️ * #gograce #premie #23weeker #miraclebaby #inlove #nicuwarrior #familiesareforever #pray #preemie #preemiebaby #preemiemom #preemiepower #preemiestrong #nicu #nicuwarrior #nicubaby #nicumom #niculife #nicu #love #cute #babygirl #colourfulbeginnings #ourlittlepreemie #rainbowbaby #prematurebaby

    Une publication partagée par Mary Parkinson (@maryparkins) le


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    😥Well I guess we couldn’t escape the NICU without at least one more setback. Grace has been diagnosed with ROP (Retinopathy of Prematurity) stage 3. This means the blood vessels in her eyes are over growing and if they continue they could cause blindness. She will have to undergo laser eye surgery to stop the growth and save her vision. Thankfully we are surrounded by a great team of doctors who assured us that Grace will be able to keep her eyesight after the procedure. Some baby’s even go on to have perfect vision! Probably the worst part about the surgery is that Grace will need to be re-intubated. Which is heartbreaking since she has been doing so well on her high flow trials. Hopefully the surgery will go well and she will be back to her normal self soon. * #23weeker #gograce #miraclebaby #inlove #nicuwarrior #familiesareforever #pray #preemie #preemiebaby #preemiemom #preemiepower #preemiestrong #nicu #nicuwarrior #nicubaby #nicumom #niculife #nicu #love #cute #babygirl #colourfulbeginnings #ourlittlepreemie #rainbowbaby #prematurebaby

    Une publication partagée par Mary Parkinson (@maryparkins) le


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    #TransformationTuesday from day one in the NICU to HOME! Grace has gone from 1lb 1oz on the left to a 9lbs 13oz! Can you believe these photos were only taken about 5 months apart?! This #23weeker did not care that doctors only gave her a 4% chance to live, she defied the odds! (I know I have said that a lot, but when you once thought your baby might never come home, you cannot say it enough!) While we still have a long way to go in dealing with her prematurity issues, we are so grateful that the NICU is behind us! * #NICUGrad #gograce #miraclebaby #inlove #nicuwarrior #familiesareforever #pray #preemie #preemiebaby #preemiemom #preemiepower #preemiestrong #nicu #nicuwarrior #nicubaby #nicumom #niculife #nicu #love #cute #babygirl #colourfulbeginnings #ourlittlepreemie #rainbowbaby #prematurebaby

    Une publication partagée par Mary Parkinson (@maryparkins) le


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    🎉We are getting ready to kiss the oxygen cannula goodbye! Part of the post NICU follow ups include a pulmonologist (respiratory specialist) and we have started weaning Grace’s oxygen! If all goes well she will be off it by the end of the month. 🤞🏻 And a useful preemie #lifehack – The @babybling bow helps keep her oxygen in place 🙂 * 📸: @harrietbraunbirthphotography * #23weeker #NICUGrad #gograce #miraclebaby #inlove #nicuwarrior #familiesareforever #pray #preemie #preemiebaby #preemiemom #preemiepower #preemiestrong #nicu #nicuwarrior #nicubaby #nicumom #niculife #nicu #love #cute #babygirl #colourfulbeginnings #ourlittlepreemie #rainbowbaby #prematurebaby

    Une publication partagée par Mary Parkinson (@maryparkins) le


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